Pure Eau


Deck Resurfacing

The right place for pool designs and builds.

Deck Resurfacing

The right place for pool designs and builds.
WhatsApp Image 2023 05 17 at 6.51.28 AM 1
WhatsApp Image 2023 05 17 at 6.51.11 AM 1

Dallas Area Pool Deck Resurfacing

The deck of your pool can have a negative or positive impact on the overall appearance of your entire pool area. A worn deck or one that is too rough or damaged can cause your pool area to have an unsightly appearance and an uncomfortable surface for walking on. At Pure Eau, we offer pool remodeling and pool deck resurfacing in the Dallas area so that you have a deck that improves – instead of detracts from – your pool area’s appearance.

Pool decks eventually show their age no matter how durable the material is that they’re made from. Exposure to the elements, natural expansion and contraction, and other factors can cause pool decks to become worn or damaged over time. If your pool deck has developed large or small cracks,structural problems such as buckling slabs, a rough surface, or other issues, it’s time to look into pool deck replacement or resurfacing. 

Pure Eau offers deck resurfacing for pool owners throughout the Dallas area. When you need to have your pool deck resurfaced, you can rely on our team of experienced professionals to handle it for you.

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Replacing Pool Deck Pavers and Resurfacing Concrete

Pool deck pavers are built to last for many years, but they can eventually become worn out, faded, or damaged over time. When you have pavers that are in rough shape, Pure Eau can replace them for you. We can also replace your current pool deck pavers if you’re interested in giving your deck an updated look.

When you have a concrete pool deck, it’s only going to last for a certain number of years. Once your pool deck has reached its limit, you’ll need to decide whether you need to have it resurfaced with concrete or pavers. While our team at Pure Eau can handle concrete pool deck resurfacing for Dallas homeowners, this option is not recommended. The Texas clay soils in our area undergo a lot of expansion and contraction, which causes concrete surfaces to form cracks. Instead of having your concrete pool deck resurfaced with more concrete, consider going with long-lasting pavers.

Our pool professionals have extensive experience with resurfacing pool decks, and we can help you determine the design that will best suit your style and needs.

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